Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Dont get stressed out while studying, visit this helpfull link for more study tips.

1.Make a study guide.
2.Make flash cards.
Write down key concepts, formulas.
3.Quiz yourself.
Make a mock quiz to test how well you know the material.
4.Set time goals.
This helps you to stay on track.
5.Remember to take breaks.
This allows the brain to process and retain information.Take short breaks.
6.Study during the week.
Don't leave it until the weekend as the material will not be fresh in your mind.
7.Schedule time for studying.
Make study part of your routine.
8.Get lots of sleep.
College students who get a full nights sleep are more alert, more focused and learn things easies than those who are sleep deprived.

                                  STUDY TIMETABLE TEMPLATE

Monday, November 8, 2010

Why we use Spreadsheets
Spreadsheets are used to record, organize and analyse data.
Data can be grafted or made into a pie chart.
Spreadsheets allow us to organise our work in a way that paper based systems don't allow us to.
Spreadsheets can be sent by e-mail or external drive.
Many professions use spreadsheets to record data because spreadsheet is easy to use and it is not time consuming.
Many scientists use speadsheets to analyze their data because the data can be analyzed for trends to predict outcomes and compare to theortical results.
Calulations can be done much faster and more accurately by using spreadsheet

Sunday, November 7, 2010

How to use Excel

How to make a cleaning timetable using Excel

Step 1
Open excel

Step 2
Notice the rows and columns

Each column has a capital letter on the top to show what column it is.
Each row has a number to the left of the first column to show what row it is.
Each cell is identified by the column letter and number eg. A1

Step 3
Click on A1 and type in job.
Click on B1 and type in start time.
Click on C1 and type in time job takes.

Step 4
In column A type in your daily chores.

Step 5
In column B type in your starting times.

Step 6
In column C type in your finishing times.

Step 7
When you have completed your timetable click on file and click on save as and press save.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Computer Basics
1.Title page
Should be interesting,concise and informative.
2.Table of contents
What is the report about?
Introduce topic being investigated
State objectives
Details procedure followed and how the work was carried out,
Should be in the passive tense.
What did you find?
Tables and figures can be used here.
6.Discussion and conclusion
What do the results mean?
This is where you answer the questions raised in the introduction.
Give a brief conclusion on findings.
Use Harvard system (author-date system)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

10 Basic steps to word.

Having trouble with word? Here are a few tips to help with the basics.
  1. To change size of your font Simple select the text you wish to change and go to the top left of the screen and scroll through the different font sizes and select which one you want.
  2. To insert superscript to select the text and in the bottom right corner click the arrow to open the font dialogue box and tick super script and OK.
  3. To Insert a footer or a header, go to insert select footer or header and select which style you need.
  4. To put a smart art shape in you document, go to insert, select smart art and choose your smart art graphic and select ok.
  5. To change the heading style, go to home and to the right of the header selections click change styles  and select style set  to get a drop menu of all the differ ant types of styles to choose from, this menu also lets you change the colour and fonts of you headings.
  6. To insert a table of contents, firstly you need to allocate heading types throughout your document this is done simply be highlighting the text and selecting either Title, subtitle, heading 1,2,3,4... then go to references and select table of contents here you can choose your layout and then click insert table of contents, this will bring up a menu in which you can select how many headings you have chosen and which to display and the format you want it to be displayed in.
  7. To make text sit beside a picture, select your picture and right click scroll down to text wrapping select which format suits and then move the picture around till you get the desired effect.
  8. To insert a cover page, go to insert select cover page and choose your layout .
  9. To Complete a spell check go to review and on the left hand side click the spelling and grammar icon and it will bring up a box listing through all you spelling and grammar mistakes.
  10. To Upload a document to moodle, First the document must be saved to the computer in a known folder, then select upload document on the moodle site it should bring up an option to browse your computer for the file, click browse go to the folder your document is located in click the document and ok then click upload file.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Easy tips to identifying computer components

For our first post we will help shed some light on how to differentiate between all the main components in a computer.
First we will start with the motherboard it is the heart of the computer it ties all the components together and lets each component send and receive messages from each other. The easiest way to identify a motherboard is all the different slots there will be slots for the memory which would be the most obvious identifier these are long thin compartments only a mm or so wide. Noting these will help to quickly conclude that what you are looking at is a motherboard as none of the other components will have these slots.

 Reference for Picture: